Four years ago, I enrolled for the most difficult professional course in my country (single digit pass rates at times) that comes with a mandatory 3 year internship with “pay “that comes to around 40-50 $ a month
First year of the internship was at a place with a real shitty owner. Worked 16 hour days at times in a toxic work environment. Fought and managed to get a transfer to another place. Completed my internship. Did 2 levels of another professional qualification during this time.
Gave up on a social life after that point and cleared the professional exam. Found a job in one of the major firms in the industry. Same thing, crazy 16 hour days work on weekends. Quit 6 months in.
Now I find myself applying to jobs again. Employers in the same industry tell me those kind of hours and working condition is a given.
Applied to other industries. Ghosting is so common. HR seems to have absolutely no manners. The other day an HR rep quit on me for simpling asking two questions about the company. Aced an interview at another place where I was rejected for being too good (their words not mine).
What is this life? Its a scam thats what it is. You give up shit all your life, going for delayed gratification and you dont get smack. All because some people want to pad their pockets and just dont want to share. The original industry I worked in has profits of 60-70% (net and in cash). But they wont hire a few more people and make life a bit easy.