
A Thought On the Sinister Nature of the Progression of Technology

Consider how technological advancements over the last few decades have impacted our daily lives. The widespread adoption of the computer and cellphones have driven us away from the physical world and further into the digital space. Now, that isn't to say that these tools are inherently bad. I don't want to come across as being stuck in the past or having a negative outlook on progress. Technology should and usually does serve to provide access to a vast network of knowledge and information that would be otherwise unavailable. In aggregate, the tech world improves a myriad of processes and we are better for it. Now, let's tie this to work. Technology has allowed us to increase productivity at an astronomical rate. While the economy and industry at large has reaped the rewards of that vast increase in output, have we as workers seen a shred of benefit? Compensation has absolutely…

Consider how technological advancements over the last few decades have impacted our daily lives. The widespread adoption of the computer and cellphones have driven us away from the physical world and further into the digital space.

Now, that isn't to say that these tools are inherently bad. I don't want to come across as being stuck in the past or having a negative outlook on progress. Technology should and usually does serve to provide access to a vast network of knowledge and information that would be otherwise unavailable. In aggregate, the tech world improves a myriad of processes and we are better for it.

Now, let's tie this to work. Technology has allowed us to increase productivity at an astronomical rate. While the economy and industry at large has reaped the rewards of that vast increase in output, have we as workers seen a shred of benefit? Compensation has absolutely not increased in-line with the lift in productivity. On the other hand, the required hours of work should have declined because if output increased and wages remained stagnant, then time spent working should have been reduced. These points don't even make mention of how inflation has basically been causing a pay cut for all of us over the last few decades, but that's another topic entirely.

So, if our lives have been on a dramatic negative trajectory due to rising costs and lower compensation, how do those in power keep us under their heels? The answer is the Metaverse. By driving the quality of our physical existence into the dirt, our only escape has become virtual. We spend more and more time on social media, playing video games, etc… to find some sort of relief from reality. If technology has already caused a gradual shift away from the misery of our physical existence, the introduction of the Metaverse can provide a complete immersion into the virtual world.

Here is my point. There has been an intentional, systematic, and sinister play to turn us into wageslaving drones for the purpose of exploiting our existence for profit. There is no intention to improve our lives, but rather a plan to squeeze every ounce of monetary value that we can produce while simultaneously keeping us “happy” or at least distracted enough that we do not rise up and destroy the system they have created.

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