
A thought on voting

Here's why you SHOULD give a shit about voting on Tuesday. I've been reading on this subreddit that “oh, voting won't change anything,” “my vote won't count,” or “the system is rigged.” I actually widely agree with much of that. But here's the thing. You know who's voting? Your middle aged/old boss who wants to keep fucking you over with shitty wages and jobs. They'll vote for politicians who will keep that cycle happening. You know who else is voting? The pro-lifers who will vote every chance they get to ban abortions. Who else is voting? People who THINK that voting for election deniers and radicals will tear the system down. I got news for them, it didn't tear the system down when the last president got elected in 2016, and it ain't gonna do it this time. Yes, there ARE assholes on both sides of the aisle. There are…

Here's why you SHOULD give a shit about voting on Tuesday. I've been reading on this subreddit that “oh, voting won't change anything,” “my vote won't count,” or “the system is rigged.”

I actually widely agree with much of that. But here's the thing. You know who's voting? Your middle aged/old boss who wants to keep fucking you over with shitty wages and jobs. They'll vote for politicians who will keep that cycle happening. You know who else is voting? The pro-lifers who will vote every chance they get to ban abortions. Who else is voting? People who THINK that voting for election deniers and radicals will tear the system down. I got news for them, it didn't tear the system down when the last president got elected in 2016, and it ain't gonna do it this time.

Yes, there ARE assholes on both sides of the aisle. There are corrupt assholes on both sides. But, there's one side that at least believes in solving climate change, and believes in better living and working conditions for the middle and lower class. I'll let you figure out which side that is.

It fucking kills me when people say, “unionize!!” “strike!” “quit your jobs!” But voting? “Nah, voting won't do shit.” Jesus fucking christ, how are you going to do the harder stuff of striking and protesting when you don't even believe in voting or are too lazy to do it?

We, at least young Americans, have this shitty-ass mindset that voting doesn't do anything. I don't know where that comes from. We got the last president out of office through voting. When we unionize or go on strike, we have to vote to do so. Voting happens all the time in many different ways. It baffles me how voting during elections became this unsexy thing.

Here's why you should ultimately vote by Tuesday's midterms and tell every else to. Because change isn't gonna happen overnight. But, if we get the people in office who have a better chance of seeing long term change, year after year, you have to vote them in to increase the chances of seeing change. You just gotta. Take a couple hours out of your life to research who to vote for and how to do it, and go out and vote. You only have a couple of days left. Please.

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