
A thought to the anti work supporters

When I arrived here and read the rules/bio I had some immediate questions. The bio is kind of vague on what aspect you guys are pertaining too, The pay ruining the governments economy or perhaps this is a trail leading to erase the economy, No work whatsoever meaning you sit on the couch or what have you and tend to your garden or something while rebors do your job? I believe that theory would also support anti economy considering you just get money thrown at you assuming you don't work and it doesn't feel as earned perhaps, you prefer to not have the boring ass not as beneficial to society jobs like fast food and social networking or anything related to 9-5 funeral fit on while drinking that black coffee that tastes like coal and you be typing on a 2006 keyboard straight from a 3rd grade computer lab and…

When I arrived here and read the rules/bio I had some immediate questions. The bio is kind of vague on what aspect you guys are pertaining too, The pay ruining the governments economy or perhaps this is a trail leading to erase the economy, No work whatsoever meaning you sit on the couch or what have you and tend to your garden or something while rebors do your job? I believe that theory would also support anti economy considering you just get money thrown at you assuming you don't work and it doesn't feel as earned perhaps, you prefer to not have the boring ass not as beneficial to society jobs like fast food and social networking or anything related to 9-5 funeral fit on while drinking that black coffee that tastes like coal and you be typing on a 2006 keyboard straight from a 3rd grade computer lab and you cramped as hell in yo tiny ass cubicle and your typing away at taxes or other useless jobs that increase suicide rates probably. However my final point is either get rid of all those useless jobs and keep actually essential jobs like farmers and water treatment people ect ect and not fast food so we have a functional society that isn't corrupted by chemical food and a ton of sodium in stuff?

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