
A True & Horror Story: 12 Court cases, CPS, and a bottle of vodka.

Happy Labor Day. The following story is real. An affluent Soldier, named Martin, recanted it to me while serving together on a temporary assignment in shitty California. We poured vodka, drank and I listened to this horror story. It fits the holiday, subreddit, but it’s a horror story if you’re a manager or being in a supervisor authority. Even if not, it's scary. This is the story of Nick (fake name), a former corporate lawyer, from a wealthy/affluent family. Nick graduated top 3 in his class at a top 50 law school. Post-graduation, Nick gained employment as a corporate lawyer with a humongous demonical bank. After years of slaving away, at around late 30's Nick left corporate life, took his savings (in the millions, includes his family money), and decided to take low level non-supervisory roles at publicly traded companies. You probably noticed the plural nuance of the last statement…

Happy Labor Day. The following story is real. An affluent Soldier, named Martin, recanted it to me while serving together on a temporary assignment in shitty California. We poured vodka, drank and I listened to this horror story.

It fits the holiday, subreddit, but it’s a horror story if you’re a manager or being in a supervisor authority. Even if not, it's scary.

This is the story of Nick (fake name), a former corporate lawyer, from a wealthy/affluent family.

Nick graduated top 3 in his class at a top 50 law school. Post-graduation, Nick gained employment as a corporate lawyer with a humongous demonical bank. After years of slaving away, at around late 30's Nick left corporate life, took his savings (in the millions, includes his family money), and decided to take low level non-supervisory roles at publicly traded companies. You probably noticed the plural nuance of the last statement and how specific it was….it'll make sense later. Think Walmart, in the store, with customers. Kinda like that.

Nick left corporate, crashed with his family and got a menial, low-responsibility job with part-time hours at a big retail for office products. Nick had no kids, and no woman, as he could never sustain a meaninful relationship due to his brutal hourse. He only answers to himself.

Nonetheless, his job was menial, something humble while he distressed and pondered his next career move (different field, law firm, or maybe non-profit work). Regardless, he was DONE with corporate law. It left a rancid sour taste in his mouth.

Nick noticed something at his workplace…. That management enjoyed to take advantage of laborers, unskilled people and even inexperienced managers. Management blatantly disregarded policy, state and federal labor laws, and had zero to no concern for workers (pregnant, disabled, and even minorities). Remember, Nick was a corporate attorney at a big bank. He then realized it was due to these FUCKS that he had to counsel/advise the banks on these clear violations back in his day. Advisory was not his main job at corporate law. His corporate law job dealt with mergers and acquisitions, contract review, compliance enforcement, yada-yada….so when he got a something across his desk about a court case as stupid as THIS (due to labor law violation or discrimination cases against protected people), it would seriously piss him off. His desk officed was piled with serious paperwork worth millions, now some asshole at a local bank decided to fire a someone on maternity leave, he hated it. Either way, onward….

Nick didn't care until one day his manager, Sinner, threw Nick on shitty schedules. At first, he didn't mind, but after while, he inquired why the sudden change and if they can come to more balanced arrangement. It fell on deaf ears. Sinner threatened Nick with termination. He had to work a Sunday night. Nick obliged, as he figured he’ll quit soon, plus working part-time on Sunday night ain’t the world’s collapse, Nick figured it was better than those 100+ hour corporate law weeks. Onward…

Nick reported to work Sunday evening. He griped to a colleague about the hours/schedule, but his statement went something like this “grumble grumble, and I only make $10 per hour for this, I guess it ain’t that bad.”

The following day, Nick’s colleague complained to Sinner, that Nick shared his wage, and he unjustly earns more than her (what an imbecile).

Nick got called in the office with his supervisor and manager, Sinner. He signed a paper, was talked down to, and fired. Done. Nick, just stood there silently, he’s never experienced blatant humiliation and disrespect. It was appalling. He stood there quietly, for a long time. This is where it gets interesting. The manager, Sinner, told him, “we’re done here, close the door behind you.” Nick walked out, with the write-up, closed the door behind him. He read it, it was a write-up for discussing wages And it hit him like a fucking ton of bricks. He was fired for discussing wages, it’s not illegal.

All the hatred he had for those nonsensical court cases and awful managers that piled his desk with stupidity came out and he just lost it.

He turned around, knocked on management's door and heard “Come in!”. He came in, and got a disapproving look from the manager and supervisor. They figured he’d come cry for his job back……

Nick then began his infamous spill (as Martin explained, he was from Boston he loved to storytell)

“This conversation is being recorded. The state of XX is a first-party state. As of now, I don't work for the company as you just have fired me discussing wages. I'm gonna ask you to bring HR representative to discuss for a settlement. I will set a timer on table. I have 10 mins to pack my stuff and leave through the door. If no one stops me to find, discuss or even postpone a resolution, I will take you to court for violating the act of XYZ. Whether you understand or not, you broke the law. The timer starts now. You made it clear I'm fired. I encourage you to discuss the resolution. The timer starts now.”

They thought he was bullshitting or went nuts….well at least the supervisor did, but not the manager. He said, “take it up with HR, get out of here.” Nick stopped the timer, and spoke on the phone ( as it was recording). “Management is directing me to leave premises with no resolution. Time is XX:XX. I will proceed to court to file a suit.” Something like that, but it was all recorded. Remember, the moment he was fired, he’s no longer an employee. He can do as he wishes.

Nick filed a state lawsuit (state is faster than federal). They came to a settlement. The manager, Sinner, and supervisor (unsure why) was fired. The story doesn’t end there. Remember, Nick was burnt out with corporations, and I truly believe that experienced traumatized him. What happens next will make your skin crawl….

I don’t know how, but I’m sure it’s via his network (lawyers are pretty tight in communities)….Nick would ask his colleagues to find out where Sinner works.

Next, Nick buys a share from the company. Nick is now a shareholder. Nick later, send a carefully drafted letter to the board of directors, C-suite, and Public Affairs about how this person (Nick’s former management) violated X,Y,Z laws completely disregarding federal, and state labor laws. This manager, Nick proclaimed, is LIABILITY TO SHAREHOLDERS. Basically, it would say something like “ Hi, I was corporate lawyer and I sustained damages due to one of your employees, Sinner. The court case against his former employer has nothing to do with you, BUT Sinner was fired due to violation X,Y,Z laws, he is a liability to shareholders. I was one of his victims. Please reconsider finding someone fit….and I want to buy more shares, ”. It was something like that. Now you tell me…what would you think if you’re part of the C-suite?

I’m sure you know what happens next. Sinner is fired or his hours severely cut. Coincidence? You tell me. Regardless….

It doesn’t end there.

Nick starts submitting anonymous tips to Child Protective Services that the kids of this manager, COULD BE, in danger. This person has a record of disregarding laws….

Now, you might say, “Yeah right…”….Yeah, I did too….until you realize, Nick was a top lawyer, was a victim, won a lawsuit, and this ex-manager DID violate the law….so wouldn’t you be concerned about this person's kids? He would explain to CPS via anonymous or usually third party organizations something as follows: “Unlikely or not, it’s as likely as likely not (meaning 50%/50%) that the kids are residing with someone unstable….oh that person can’t keep a job.”

CPS assessed the situation after a few months….They came, smelt alcohol….they saw the person picked up a drinking habit….and kids dealt with a few rages from the parent’s stress. Kids were taken. That person’s life completely destroyed.

That ex-manager seeks new job, whether with publicly traded-company OR state level job, Nick sends a carefully drafted letter….

And unfortunately, there’s nothing his ex-manager can do. Nothing. Why? Because everything Nick said was true. You can’t sue someone for telling the truth or sharing the truth.

He keeps a list.

When Martin, that Soldier, shared that story with me, he said Nick was now on Manager #12.

Nick is so….I guess you can say cynical? He keeps his court cases in a folio, drop copies of the court cases on management’s office, asks HR to be in there, begins recordin and when he starts his dialogue with management about being fired due to X,Y,Z, sweat starts dropping like a waterfall. He literally tells HR during his spill….

“Idk what you’re gonna do about manager so-and-so, but im giving you the option and opportunity to do what’s best for the shareholders/taxpayers. A settlement could suffice, but not giving me a commensurate resolution before I walk out is unacceptable. The timer starts now.”

And the sweating begins. Sometimes, the Gneeral Manager runs after him or HR literally starts crying or the manager who fired him BEGS him to please take his job back. He says NOPE. You fired me, I don’t work for you, I want a SETTLEMENT AKA CASH OR, you’ll answer to the judge…

And then he traces the managers again, sends his carefully drafted letters, they’re fired again. CPS is contacted…kids are removed from home (not always) but one visit is enough to scare you.

He truly enjoys it. He really does.

The Soldier who told me this story? Martin? He is now a laywer.

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