
A word about the Uvalde police and the school shooting.

This will probably be downvoted to the afterlife but I haven't seen this mentioned. I see a lot of discourse toward the police regarding them not entering the school upon arrival and it's completely understandable if it's true that they did not act as soon as they arrived. This whole thing is a damn shame. However let me just say these officers are probably making around 40k a year and are asked to put their lives on the line for that little, while politics absorbs most of the funds. It takes a special person to go towards the person with the AR-15 and not run away, special people deserve special compensation.

This will probably be downvoted to the afterlife but I haven't seen this mentioned. I see a lot of discourse toward the police regarding them not entering the school upon arrival and it's completely understandable if it's true that they did not act as soon as they arrived. This whole thing is a damn shame. However let me just say these officers are probably making around 40k a year and are asked to put their lives on the line for that little, while politics absorbs most of the funds. It takes a special person to go towards the person with the AR-15 and not run away, special people deserve special compensation.

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