
A world without money?

Hello there, Have you ever imagined what the world could have been if money didn't play a vital role? Gold was nothing but a mineral (or rock) ? People are respected by their skills which anyone could acquire for free? No one is rich nor poor just fellow human beings trying to adcance in technology, have great food/lifestyle for free. The aspect of money is made by humans at some point in time which has continued through the course of time just to create diversity, push towards violence and more worst aspects. It is stopping the advancement of life and technology from all of us. I am not sure how many of you can relate to this ideology of free world but i just wanted to put this out to see what others think of this.

Hello there,
Have you ever imagined what the world could have been if money didn't play a vital role? Gold was nothing but a mineral (or rock) ? People are respected by their skills which anyone could acquire for free? No one is rich nor poor just fellow human beings trying to adcance in technology, have great food/lifestyle for free. The aspect of money is made by humans at some point in time which has continued through the course of time just to create diversity, push towards violence and more worst aspects. It is stopping the advancement of life and technology from all of us.

I am not sure how many of you can relate to this ideology of free world but i just wanted to put this out to see what others think of this.

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