
About a potential ‘revolution’ or huge strike

I've seen people say 'but what about people who live paycheck to paycheck? they can't afford to not work' that's exactly the point. the system is built so that we are too focused surviving from paycheck to paycheck to do anything about it. it is one of the shackles put in place by the rich and powerful, and breaking those shackles was never going to be easy. but we need to remember that we are more than them, if we all collectively stop paying rent to greedy landlord and use that money to support eachother instead, we can probably alleviate some of the pain that will come with a strike or revolution. Also, people ask 'but do you know what to do next or are you just going into this without any idea what to do next?' Socialism or even non authoritarian communism is vastly better than the literal hellscape…

I've seen people say 'but what about people who live paycheck to paycheck? they can't afford to not work'

that's exactly the point. the system is built so that we are too focused surviving from paycheck to paycheck to do anything about it. it is one of the shackles put in place by the rich and powerful, and breaking those shackles was never going to be easy. but we need to remember that we are more than them, if we all collectively stop paying rent to greedy landlord and use that money to support eachother instead, we can probably alleviate some of the pain that will come with a strike or revolution.

Also, people ask 'but do you know what to do next or are you just going into this without any idea what to do next?'

Socialism or even non authoritarian communism is vastly better than the literal hellscape we're living in. there are many example of better systems around the world, although I hope we will have the courage and ambition to shoot higher than most of them as I am sure it is possible to do better than even those systems.

Now we need to organize and stop just chilling on reddit or twitter. we are being tested and right now the powerful are just laughing at the fact that we are taking all this to the face and all we're really doing about it is whining on the internet. there are probably already subreddits or groups dedicated to organizing something. We decide on 1 group to centralize everything, decide on something to do, decide on a date, and actually do it, and let the movement grow. take inspiration from other countries if need be (France and the gilet jaune, for instance). I am not aware of which group is an 'official' group dedicated to organizing, so I'll let people post links in the comments. don't forget, once the movememnt grows, more and more attempts are going to be made to destroy it from the inside, with infiltrators posting false and confusing information. we need to decide on one thing to do, and have several official backup plans, and stick to those. the preparation phase will be critical, we need to take time to elaborate a proper plan and make it the official version that everyone can follow.

For those of you who might still be undecided (although on this sub I am mostly preaching to the choir), here's a very non-exhaustive list of reasons to fight against capitalism

19 children have died in a mass shooting. almost 2 mass shootings happen in the USA every day. all because the NRA pays politicians to do literally nothing.

Amazon workers died in a warehouse because they were not allowed to leave. American companies would much rather see people die than pay them a liveable wage, American education would much rather see its teachers burn out and its students go into immense debt than not make huge profits. Same goes for American healthcare, you know what I mean.

Companies have seen record profits despite covid and are choosing to give their bosses raises ranging from 30% to 500%, which is the very reason inflation is reaching record highs and minimum wage can barely keep up with it.

The sugar industry paid scientists to shift the blame from sugar to fat. Kellogg's still poisons people with sugar despite knowing it causes obesity, heart diseases and so on.

Overall, millions are dying each year to very preventable diseases just to let rich people add a little money to their already fat pile of cash. imagine dying because you can't afford insulin, or cancer treatment, and to know that was all for a few extra dollars in some rich fuck's pockets.

Shell and Exxon paid scientists to discredit studies that showed climate change was happening, and are still trying to put the blame on individuals while promoting lies such as 'natural gas'. The IPCC's last report says 3 billion people will be affected by climate change in the next 50 years.

Russia is Bombing civilians thanks to help from Trump. Trump was put in charge of the USA thanks to an intense campaign of disinformation which was made possible by the fact that Twitter, Facebook, Amazon (Twitch) and so on let these troll farms thrive because they created engagement and ad revenue. This is also part of the reason why Brexit could happen, and why the Antivax movement became so popular.

the US wages war in the middle east for the profits of a few armament companies and leaves cities torn apart, annihilating decades of social and technological progress. can you imagine the societies that could have been built, and the lives millions could have had if that hadn't been the case.

Women's rights are being revoked in unprecedented ways because keeping half the population stuck with children they never wanted and worrying about their body enslaves them more. again, capitalims is shitting on peoples lives. imagine dying from a miscarriage in the 21 st century. imagine having unwanted children and how that could destroy your life, your partner's, and your children's.

I could go on…

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