
About frigging time!

Tomorrow I'm giving my boss a one week notice, leaving for a union job with benefits. Preface: I've been working for this guy for over 18 months, with very little time off. Constant late nights and weekends, and fuck all to show for it. Lost a bunch of hours because his truck had to be sent for maintenance for weeks at a time. The guy has zero communication skills. Cherry on top: he never paid a nickel into CPP and EI, so my audit is gonna suck ass

Tomorrow I'm giving my boss a one week notice, leaving for a union job with benefits.

Preface: I've been working for this guy for over 18 months, with very little time off. Constant late nights and weekends, and fuck all to show for it. Lost a bunch of hours because his truck had to be sent for maintenance for weeks at a time. The guy has zero communication skills. Cherry on top: he never paid a nickel into CPP and EI, so my audit is gonna suck ass

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