
About to be fired over bathroom breaks need advice asap!

I have medical conditions going on with me 1) taking metformin so have diahhria until I get used to it 2) I have to pee frequently because I'm having urethral problems (unknown going to urologist soon) and called me into the office today all the managers and sent me home 3 hrs early ( when I live paycheck to paycheck barely scraping by $8 an hr) and they will be closing next week we get no pay so loosing a whole paycheck there they said they've been timing my bathroom breaks and I've been taking too long using the bathrooms over an hr (untrue I've had to pee several times I feel the urge to pee every 10 min but i hold it as long as I can and it only takes a few min top 8to pee) this last time however I had to poop and held it in…

I have medical conditions going on with me 1) taking metformin so have diahhria until I get used to it 2) I have to pee frequently because I'm having urethral problems (unknown going to urologist soon) and called me into the office today all the managers and sent me home 3 hrs early ( when I live paycheck to paycheck barely scraping by $8 an hr) and they will be closing next week we get no pay so loosing a whole paycheck there they said they've been timing my bathroom breaks and I've been taking too long using the bathrooms over an hr (untrue I've had to pee several times I feel the urge to pee every 10 min but i hold it as long as I can and it only takes a few min top 8to pee) this last time however I had to poop and held it in until I completed my task almost shit myself doing so and they said I was in there 30 min when I wasn't it wasn't no damn 30 min but embarrassingly long none the less they sent me home early I tried to protest they say that I'm lucky they don't fire me they're using my bathroom breaks as my “5 min breaks” I don't ever get lunch or 10 min breaks only an average of 3 5 min breaks for 8+ hour days they said to bring a doctor's note for my medical condition manager C told me my medication side effects would be enough so I brought that and my urologist appt paper to manager A and he got mad at me and was like that's not good enough I can print that out online! And if I keep up these symptoms then they're gunna quit letting me work until I get fixed I have a family to take care of I can't and they said well you're costing us money so…plus manager A goes outside A LOT manager C and I counted 4x in the first hour we arrived today and manager A does that daily but i can't go to the bathroom?! Manager A keeps acting all mean and intimidating a lot of stuff here feels illegal

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