
About to go off on my boss

So for background, i currently work at a local university as a custodian. I go in M-F from 5 am to 1:30 pm. Work isnt bad, pay sucks for the area because it is a college town so stuff is more expensive here. My supervisor is being an ass. He knew when he hired me that i am physically and mentally disabled. Like, Veterans Affairs has deemed me 100% total and permanent, but i can still hold a full time job. With my mental disabilities, they dont actually recommend me working full time. This is due to me having hallucinations sometimes and if something extreme happens in my life that can affect me mentally, i can go into a shut down episode. Anywho…so I have really bad migraines, and when i first started i had told him this and that i was working with my PCP to get on medicine…

So for background, i currently work at a local university as a custodian. I go in M-F from 5 am to 1:30 pm. Work isnt bad, pay sucks for the area because it is a college town so stuff is more expensive here. My supervisor is being an ass. He knew when he hired me that i am physically and mentally disabled. Like, Veterans Affairs has deemed me 100% total and permanent, but i can still hold a full time job. With my mental disabilities, they dont actually recommend me working full time. This is due to me having hallucinations sometimes and if something extreme happens in my life that can affect me mentally, i can go into a shut down episode.

Anywho…so I have really bad migraines, and when i first started i had told him this and that i was working with my PCP to get on medicine for it. I had to take a few days off when they got so bad i couldnt keep my eyes open. He got pissed off about this. I got hurt at one point, and now he is doing everything possible to mess my back up even more. To the point, i am not allowed to use a regular vacuum, i am required to use the backpack vacuum. Im not arguing at this point, im just noting everything. My 4 year old nephew drowned on August 6, on August 9 the doctors pronounced him brain dead and the next day they harvester his organs (god i hate saying that) and he was cremated on the 12th. This little boy…was like my own child. Losing him has put a huge hole in my heart.

My boss walked in after i received the phone call that he was gone. Distraught isnt even the word for it, i was inconsolable and was crying so damn hard i couldnt breath and wanted to throw up. He initially was understanding. The next week, that changed. I got put on a new med for night terrors, first dose in and i had a severe reaction to it nobody expected. I somehow made it into work the next morning (i drove and i shouldnt have…i dont remember the drive at all because i was so out of it and dizzy). He SAW this! He still handed me my keys and let me clock in. My coworker made me go back because i could hardly stand, i looked sick, i was covered in sweat, like drenched. To top it off, i was swaying back and forth and almost fell over. I was essentially, drunk from this medicine. He gave me so much shit, forced me to stand up multiple times because he thought i was faking it. When i actually collapsed to his office floor, that was when he told me to go home. Was going to let me fucking drive the 2 miles to my house! I had to call my mom and stepdad to coke get me and my car.

They get there, i was passed out in the passenger seat. They got me home, got me inside, as soon as i hit my bed, i was out. My wife freaked out at one point because she couldnt reach me. I was dead to the world and when i finally came to, i had about 7 missed calls and god knows how many texts. Since then, my boss has been up my ass about everything. I cant go sit for a couple minutes to compose myself when memories of my nephew crop up. Im not allowed to talk about my nephew even if people ask how my entire family is doing. And today, i was told that i am no longer allowed to leave the building i clean without approval from my supervisor! He literally said that if i want to leave my building to even clock out for lunch, i am required to inform him that i am doing so and wait for permission before going.

I have emailed HR and am waiting for a response. But all of this is making me want to just quit and start up my business ive been planning.

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