
about to quit and live off of my savings for the time being

Im a furniture delivery driver. I make $12 an hour. And I'm already burnt out from working for this particular company. It's a family owned business, but it's not structured well. Not only have they asked me to do this beyond my job description such as mowing their acre of land or tend to their garden bed (not to mention that work is beyond my current rate of pay) but there will be times I get back from doing deliveries and I hand my boss the paperwork the customer signed, with him, his assistant manager, and his daughter (who also makes more than me) are all sitting in the office. With AC. Daughter is playing on her phone. Boss and Ast. manager are doing whatever “paperwork” a fucking furniture store does on their computers. And a fucking 55 inch TV mounted to the wall playing E. T. Most work I've…

Im a furniture delivery driver. I make $12 an hour. And I'm already burnt out from working for this particular company. It's a family owned business, but it's not structured well. Not only have they asked me to do this beyond my job description such as mowing their acre of land or tend to their garden bed (not to mention that work is beyond my current rate of pay) but there will be times I get back from doing deliveries and I hand my boss the paperwork the customer signed, with him, his assistant manager, and his daughter (who also makes more than me) are all sitting in the office. With AC. Daughter is playing on her phone. Boss and Ast. manager are doing whatever “paperwork” a fucking furniture store does on their computers. And a fucking 55 inch TV mounted to the wall playing E. T. Most work I've seen the Ast. Manager and his daughter do are talk to customers to sell stuff.

Like???? I have to carry couches, tables, and beds up flights of apartment stairs, no elevators, just stairs located outside in the blistering 107 degree weather today. I have to take parts off of shit to fit it through doorways. Sometimes have to take off the door. Usually always hauling a customers old furniture to throw away. So if we bring a bed upstairs gotta take another bed back down….
Bad enough I work in a warehouse with no AC. Just 2 fans that barely work. But there's also no AC in the truck. Which he refuses to fix because he's been waiting on this new truck, which they havent delivered in a fucking year.

So why in the hell am I being paid scraps to bust my ass during a heat wave, while everybody else gets to sit all day in the air conditioning and watch TV. Then get paid more then me.

I'm just done. I'm ready to pay some of my bills in advance, take my CLP test, pass it, then get started for CDL classes with a company. This place has burnt me out, and I cannot stand seeing that fucking TV when I come back sweaty and miserable from doing deliveries. That TV really fucking infuriates me.

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