
About to quit–could use words of encouragement!

Hi All, I'm using a throwaway account because I know people on here. I have an at-will contract that is up at the end of June. When I took on the job it required a cross country move. My family and I hate the area we have been living the last year and have decided to move back home (luckily we rented out our place and can move back). My boss is not a great leader. We are running 3 organizations with a staff of 3. The culture is weird and vague–no clear work hours, no clear breaks, no clear time off (unlimited time off–ha!). My paycheck has been a week late twice. Many, many promises when I took the job have been left by the wayside including: a 4 day work week, a flexible schedule, working from home, a 401k. I asked my boss about staying on but moving…

Hi All,

I'm using a throwaway account because I know people on here. I have an at-will contract that is up at the end of June. When I took on the job it required a cross country move. My family and I hate the area we have been living the last year and have decided to move back home (luckily we rented out our place and can move back). My boss is not a great leader. We are running 3 organizations with a staff of 3. The culture is weird and vague–no clear work hours, no clear breaks, no clear time off (unlimited time off–ha!). My paycheck has been a week late twice. Many, many promises when I took the job have been left by the wayside including: a 4 day work week, a flexible schedule, working from home, a 401k. I asked my boss about staying on but moving back home and her response was typical for her. She never says no, she basically just goes on and on with all the negatives. She then suggested an alternative I agreed to. Two weeks later, when I asked her to confirm, she said she was speaking, “aspiration-ally” and that she never imagined I would take her offer seriously (4 day work week, with one day work from home). She then said that living in this particular (insanely expensive) area was a requirement of the job. This was the first time that had ever been mentioned. She offered financial support with rent, which was generous–but the bottom line is, we don't want to live here.

So giving notice should be easy! But weirdly, on a totally superficial level, I get along really well with my boss. Also, I think all the weird mind games and stuff have gotten to me. I've left jobs before with great bosses and I never felt worried about telling them. But she's really manipulative and gaslights, etc. so maybe that is why I'm nervous.

So please, any words of encouragement would be very helpful! Thanks!

p.s. I have another job lined up back home, so no worries on that front.

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