
Abusive workplace in the UK

Alright guys, hope this is allowed, if not mods please delete. I (F,22) am a student about to start my MSc, and to make ends meet (goodbye maintenance loans) I’ve started working as a cashier in a holiday park near where I live. The job is pretty gruelling, as the park is packed in the holidays and involves heavy lifting as well as serving customers for long hours due to the season. I have been working 8.5 hour shifts with no breaks since I started, as they ‘don’t do breaks here’. This is frustrating to me as the shift times are around mealtimes which means I don’t get to eat. Even if I manage to eat a quick sandwich between customers, the older employees give me dirty looks and on frequent occasions have commanded me to stop eating as I ‘haven’t been here long enough to be hungry yet’ (this…

Alright guys, hope this is allowed, if not mods please delete.
I (F,22) am a student about to start my MSc, and to make ends meet (goodbye maintenance loans) I’ve started working as a cashier in a holiday park near where I live. The job is pretty gruelling, as the park is packed in the holidays and involves heavy lifting as well as serving customers for long hours due to the season. I have been working 8.5 hour shifts with no breaks since I started, as they ‘don’t do breaks here’. This is frustrating to me as the shift times are around mealtimes which means I don’t get to eat. Even if I manage to eat a quick sandwich between customers, the older employees give me dirty looks and on frequent occasions have commanded me to stop eating as I ‘haven’t been here long enough to be hungry yet’ (this was 2 hours into a 8.5 hour shift). I’m aware that I have no employee rights as I’m a new starter but this isn’t my current issue. About 4 days ago I met my last coworker F17, who is lovely and wants to go into the same career path as me. We had lots to chat about and so have been getting to know each other between customers and jobs, but this hasn’t been getting in the way of our work. An older female coworker who was on shift with us heard us talking and shouted at us to stop as the noise from the tills was ‘doing her head in’ from the store room. We did as she said, and then noticed that the stool we used to rest on between serving customers had gone missing. There’s nowhere else to sit and rest behind the tills, so me and my young coworker ended up being on our feet for 6-7 hours without sitting down. Ever since this day, I have been coming into work every day with an intense back ache and leaving in a lot of pain, to the point where I can barely walk up the stairs when I get home. I saw the 17F coworker today and she said she’d been experiencing the same thing. She also revealed that in a conversation with the older female coworker who yelled at us that this coworker had confessed to stealing the stool and hiding it so we couldn’t sit down in order to ‘punish’ us for being loud. I had suspected this already but now am furious and wondering if there’s anything I can do. Is this illegal? Can I report it? I wouldn’t care so much except I haven’t been able to do anything since I got back apart from lie down. Please let me know what you guys think.

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