
Accidental truth in Yahoo Finance today: “‘job openings’ may include postings that employers might like to fill, but aren’t seriously expecting to fill.” Many people have alleged this is the case and were dismissed as conspiracy theorists. Well, it’s confirmed in today’s mainstream news. Enjoy!

I've been interested in the idea of blaming workers' wages as a cause of inflation so have kept an eye open for business news articles about this, then found this gem today about employers not being serious when they say they're hiring. This is important for the reason I stated in the title here, because people didn't believe that employers would just straight-up lie like this. It's in this Yahoo Finance article from today, Jun 8, 2022: Fewer companies scrambling for help might be fine by Jay Powell: Morning Brief FTA: businesses just can’t find enough bodies to meet the surge in demand from diners and shoppers. And Fed chair Jay Powell knows that job openings are pointing towards a problem. The latest reading on labor supply showed there were just about two job postings for every unemployed person in America at the end of April. In other words, every…

I've been interested in the idea of blaming workers' wages as a cause of inflation so have kept an eye open for business news articles about this, then found this gem today about employers not being serious when they say they're hiring. This is important for the reason I stated in the title here, because people didn't believe that employers would just straight-up lie like this. It's in this Yahoo Finance article from today, Jun 8, 2022:


businesses just can’t find enough bodies to meet the surge in demand from diners and shoppers.

And Fed chair Jay Powell knows that job openings are pointing towards a problem.

The latest reading on labor supply showed there were just about two job postings for every unemployed person in America at the end of April. In other words, every unemployed person could get a job and businesses still wouldn’t feel fully staffed.

And Powell argues higher interest rates may help address the imbalance. By lifting borrowing costs, the Fed could pour some water on the post-pandemic surge in consumer spending, which would allow businesses to get by without the extra hires.

“In principle, it seems as though by moderating demand, we could see vacancies come down and, as a result — and they could come down fairly significantly — put supply and demand at least closer together than they are [now],” Powell said May 4.

The measure is far from perfect, as “unemployed” only covers those out of work who have attempted to find a job at least once in the prior month. Moreover, “job openings” may include postings that employers might like to fill, but aren’t seriously expecting to fill.

But the measure is becoming a favored talking point for Fed officials, who argue that higher rates will not lead to substantially higher unemployment, but simply a reduction in job postings. Another part of the central bank's argument that it believes it can achieve a soft landing.

“We're in a situation where we never saw this type of demand for workers. And that's what makes me think we can do it,” Fed Governor Christopher Waller said May 30.

Now go back and look at all the mainstream media attacks on workers for not bothering to apply for jobs or for being too lazy to work or “nobody wants to work”. Look at what liars they all have been. And then look at how the people “on the Internet” are portrayed as losers but were actually correct here.

We have mainstream media confirmation that employers aren't serious about hiring. And lol notice that it's after people stopped paying attention to the issue because the Federal Reserve is handling it by using higher interest rates to cause businesses to go down, which will reduce demand for workers. So now after the Federal Reserve goes on the attack, we start to get the truth out of the mainstream media.

And I know how this kind of thing usually goes: some assholes are going to come out of the woodwork and tell us all we were idiots for not seeing that businessmen lie and that since the time of Rome they had the saying “caveat emptor”, and that anyone who ever trusted businessmen is an idiot. So haha you're all losers for not seeing that the businessmen were fraudulently posting “now hiring” ads and only idiots fell for it. This will be the mainstream view in the not-too-distant future.

This is exactly what happened with surveillance issues after Snowden showed us what the NSA was doing. The people who were surprised by it were told what dumbasses they were for not knowing that the United States government spies on everything everybody does and that we have no privacy in the United States.

Enjoy, suckers!

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