
Accountability ain’t shit

So, I’m at work, I’m second operator on a production line and we’re training a third… so they go to lunch together… training operator is gone for an hour… comes back and instead of letting me go on lunch, decides that product needs to be loaded, so I let him load… takes 45 minutes. My first operator still isn’t back yet, I text him and he says he’s stuck in traffic, but on his way back to work… it’s been an hour and a half at this point since he left. The guys working production at the end of my machine need a break, so I let them go on break and run the machine and watch the production press by myself until they get back. I’m freaking pissed, they’ve both been off the line for at least an hour and a half at this point and I STILL haven’t…

So, I’m at work, I’m second operator on a production line and we’re training a third… so they go to lunch together… training operator is gone for an hour… comes back and instead of letting me go on lunch, decides that product needs to be loaded, so I let him load… takes 45 minutes. My first operator still isn’t back yet, I text him and he says he’s stuck in traffic, but on his way back to work… it’s been an hour and a half at this point since he left. The guys working production at the end of my machine need a break, so I let them go on break and run the machine and watch the production press by myself until they get back. I’m freaking pissed, they’ve both been off the line for at least an hour and a half at this point and I STILL haven’t gone to lunch. Training operator finally finishes and watches the line so I can go to lunch… all this after being written up yesterday for making a mistake that caused downtime and being lectured about accountability… where the hell is accountability when two operators are gone for more than an hour and I’m sitting here wondering if I’ll get to go to lunch before my shift ends, but nobody ever notices that shit

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