
Activision Is Firing Union Organizers and QA Testers

As the title says, Activision is trying to quietly fire users with performance plans that promise feedback and direction. Yet when the plan is over, extended, or changed, the employee will usually be fired. Our performance plans work like this. Person gets put on a plan for lower performance. Person is told it's ok, they won't be fired, communication will happen before that. Person either completes or fails the performance plan. Say the employee fails, like a recent worker. They had extenuating circumstances and with good reason to fail this plan. This employee was told while at work, to stop what they are doing for a zoom call with the head of QA Minnesota. Employee's access to all communication, slack, email, ect, are turned off. Employee is then fired without any feedback or chance to speak for themselves. I know many people here support unions. We are fighting tooth and…

As the title says, Activision is trying to quietly fire users with performance plans that promise feedback and direction. Yet when the plan is over, extended, or changed, the employee will usually be fired.

Our performance plans work like this.

  1. Person gets put on a plan for lower performance.

  2. Person is told it's ok, they won't be fired, communication will happen before that.

  3. Person either completes or fails the performance plan.

  4. Say the employee fails, like a recent worker. They had extenuating circumstances and with good reason to fail this plan. This employee was told while at work, to stop what they are doing for a zoom call with the head of QA Minnesota.

  5. Employee's access to all communication, slack, email, ect, are turned off. Employee is then fired without any feedback or chance to speak for themselves.

I know many people here support unions. We are fighting tooth and nail to make gaming better. We wish our brother and sisters in Wisconsin the best chance in their vote. I just figured people should know Activision is quietly firing full time testers, qa union organizers, and doing it quickly. I have worked here for 2 years. It's imploding.

Thanks for listening.

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