
activity tracking and screenshot taking software a standard in WFH?

This is my first WFH job and I was wondering if this is the industry standard. Kinda annoys and bothers me that they track your activity in % per 10 minutes as well as take 3 screenshots at random intervals per 10 mins. I finish my work very fast and i cant do anything on my pc once Im done since they're monitoring EVERYTHING (even apps and websites I opened during my shift). If, however, this is not an industry standard. I'd walk away.

This is my first WFH job and I was wondering if this is the industry standard. Kinda annoys and bothers me that they track your activity in % per 10 minutes as well as take 3 screenshots at random intervals per 10 mins. I finish my work very fast and i cant do anything on my pc once Im done since they're monitoring EVERYTHING (even apps and websites I opened during my shift). If, however, this is not an industry standard. I'd walk away.

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