
Add more labor, but don’t raise wages, that always works out right?

The company I work for has very clearly began making new decisions high up on the chain that are now trickling down among the workers. It all started a few months ago when they fired the janitorial service that would visit the workplace once a week to take out the trash, sweep/mop everywhere, just basic stuff, but it still was a huge help. Now they suppose the workers should be capable enough to do that on top of our other work, without being paid anything extra of course. Ok, fine, but if something comes up and we can't sweep or mop the entire plant, that still falls on us and we get a stern email about being more tidy. Then, a month or so later, the company decides to turn off all remote access inside the workplace so that everything we do has to be adjusted manually, just in case…

The company I work for has very clearly began making new decisions high up on the chain that are now trickling down among the workers.

It all started a few months ago when they fired the janitorial service that would visit the workplace once a week to take out the trash, sweep/mop everywhere, just basic stuff, but it still was a huge help.

Now they suppose the workers should be capable enough to do that on top of our other work, without being paid anything extra of course.

Ok, fine, but if something comes up and we can't sweep or mop the entire plant, that still falls on us and we get a stern email about being more tidy.

Then, a month or so later, the company decides to turn off all remote access inside the workplace so that everything we do has to be adjusted manually, just in case we are hacked by Russians. Spoiler: there is absolutely no chance we would be hacked by Russians, and even if we were, they can still fuck things up for us because only the convenient tasks were shifted to manual.

These 2 changes alone make our jobs 5x harder for absolutely no reason but to save money (money that could be spent on janitors and cyber security).

Then, just today, we get an entire string of emails announcing our workload is basically doubling due to whatever reason they want to make up in their own minds. These changes would not be a huge deal if they would focus their energy on hiring more people to stretch out the work load.

It is the catalyst in a long coming domino effect that is finally leading to me leaving. Unfortunately, I can't just quit because I have absolutely nothing to fall back on, but my daily commute is almost an hour both ways in congested traffic, and it's 3rd shift so my sleep schedule is just bonkers, so I have officially been stretched to my limit.

At first the job was nice, but someone high up on the rich ladder decided to make themselves richer and the lowly workers certainly are noticing the effects.

The job pays $16.50, which even in my area is barely above the poverty line and definitely not enough to afford decent housing. At least not for the added work that has been thrown into our laps.

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