
Advice and beyond

Quiet quitting is literally the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Like I cannot tell you how much I have BUSTED my ass to go above and beyond in my jobs. I would stay like, up till like 2 am ( I have done multiple times ), catch other co-workers up, volunteer my weekends to make sure our department was caught up, work holidays when I should have been off at helped other departments catch up, okay customer service, sales rep, shipper, manager, ECT. Like when I did my minimum wage job at Target would buddy my ass on getting red card sales and working overnight to put signs up getting maybe 4 hours of sleep before my next shift You know what all of this has gotten me? A few target plush dogs, feet that can't up for a long time anymore, and no raises or compensation. It got…

Quiet quitting is literally the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Like I cannot tell you how much I have BUSTED my ass to go above and beyond in my jobs. I would stay like, up till like 2 am ( I have done multiple times ), catch other co-workers up, volunteer my weekends to make sure our department was caught up, work holidays when I should have been off at helped other departments catch up, okay customer service, sales rep, shipper, manager, ECT. Like when I did my minimum wage job at Target would buddy my ass on getting red card sales and working overnight to put signs up getting maybe 4 hours of sleep before my next shift

You know what all of this has gotten me? A few target plush dogs, feet that can't up for a long time anymore, and no raises or compensation. It got me more of my coworkers work, more workload, more of my time, and stress and panic attacks

Never once doing more than what was expected of me, did I ever receive a raise. Hell out entire department city our wages cut by 10% and got told we are a family

The game older people played to get ahead doesnt work anymore. Why put in all that extra time and stress for a company that will never appreciate you or pay you what you're worth?

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