
Advice for the future

I hope this is ok to post in here. So in 2020 I applied for a machinist position. When I talked to the hiring manager he told me that the job was actually for something else and that I could talk to the managers about eventually moving up to machinist. Well when I talked to them they said that it could be a year before I got into the position I applied for and I stupidly agreed to take the Job because I liked the company. When I got hired the form that was emailed to me stated that I was hired as a machinist but I was not running machines while working there and I ended up quitting because of nepotism and incompetent management. It’s probably too late to do anything now but if I had taken action at the time what would have been the proper thing to…

I hope this is ok to post in here. So in 2020 I applied for a machinist position. When I talked to the hiring manager he told me that the job was actually for something else and that I could talk to the managers about eventually moving up to machinist. Well when I talked to them they said that it could be a year before I got into the position I applied for and I stupidly agreed to take the Job because I liked the company. When I got hired the form that was emailed to me stated that I was hired as a machinist but I was not running machines while working there and I ended up quitting because of nepotism and incompetent management. It’s probably too late to do anything now but if I had taken action at the time what would have been the proper thing to do.

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