
Advice Needed – how would you handle this toxic environment?

hello antiwork, long time lurker needing advice. For background, I'm already looking for a new job. About 2 months ago my Big Supervisor asked me to work on a “data analysis” project where I had to look over people's shoulders and time how long it took to do their tasks. She ended up firing 2 of the people with my “data” and I was the scapegoat. The whole thing made me so uncomfortable and I know staying isn't an option. But job hunting is hard and I don't see a quick end. So I'm asking for advice on how to handle my current situation. ​ I'm on a team of 3. There's me, Little Supervisor, and a New Guy. We were both hired to create a team to help Little Supervisor with her duties… but naturally she has decided that Supervisors don't actually do work, they just hand it out,…

hello antiwork, long time lurker needing advice.

For background, I'm already looking for a new job. About 2 months ago my Big Supervisor asked me to work on a “data analysis” project where I had to look over people's shoulders and time how long it took to do their tasks. She ended up firing 2 of the people with my “data” and I was the scapegoat. The whole thing made me so uncomfortable and I know staying isn't an option.

But job hunting is hard and I don't see a quick end. So I'm asking for advice on how to handle my current situation.

I'm on a team of 3. There's me, Little Supervisor, and a New Guy. We were both hired to create a team to help Little Supervisor with her duties… but naturally she has decided that Supervisors don't actually do work, they just hand it out, so she hasn't worked on any tickets since New Guy started. She also comes in between 10:30 and 11 but I've never seen her stay past 5pm. New Guy caught on to this environment very quickly and also works the same hours. Although I always see him hop online for a minute at 8am to clock in.

And normally I would advocate taking advantage of a careless employer, the same way employers constantly take advantage of us. But not only are my teammates not working a full shift, even when they are here, no work is getting done. We work out of multiple queues of tickets and the numbers only go down after I close something. It's weighing on me and I feel overwhelmed. I'm working very hard and don't even make enough money to feed myself. So when my Supervisor rolls in at 10:30 and assigns me 20 tickets, then pops open a bag of chips and puts her headphones in to watch YouTube… I get fucking angry. I'm going to lose my mind.

Part of me wants to inform Big Supervisor (since she seems to like snitches anyway, and I've already got the reputation thanks to her) or at least let HR know about the time theft. I want to do something to get help with these overwhelming tickets. but I know if I do anything to create more work for others, those people are going to dislike me even more. Feels like a lose/lose situation, at least until I can escape.

tl;dr do I snitch on my coworkers for time theft and leaving me to do all the work?

or does anyone have advice on hanging in at a toxic work environment without blowing up and yelling at everyone? I've been holding this anger in for months and the overwhelming amount of work is a bad combination.

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