
Advice Needed – One person in office given every Friday off

Hello everyone! I am in need of some advice. I work in a small office. There are 4 women admin. I have been with this company for 7 years. I have not had a raise in 5 years. I recently asked for one and was given the ugh everything is so expensive right now! We just can't. No shit, why do you think I'm asking for a raise?? Anyway, one of the women in the office is the owner's assistant. She is not technically over the rest of us, but acts like it. Anyway, I told her I asked for a raise and was very upset I wasn't given it. She said she would work on it and for me to be patient. Fine. This was all about 3 months ago. About 2 months ago, this women started being off every Friday. No one said anything to us. She wouldn't…

Hello everyone! I am in need of some advice. I work in a small office. There are 4 women admin. I have been with this company for 7 years. I have not had a raise in 5 years. I recently asked for one and was given the ugh everything is so expensive right now! We just can't. No shit, why do you think I'm asking for a raise?? Anyway, one of the women in the office is the owner's assistant. She is not technically over the rest of us, but acts like it. Anyway, I told her I asked for a raise and was very upset I wasn't given it. She said she would work on it and for me to be patient. Fine. This was all about 3 months ago.

About 2 months ago, this women started being off every Friday. No one said anything to us. She wouldn't even tell us she wasn't going to be there the next day. Just didn't come in. At first we were like wtf? It kept going on. No one ever said anything to us! Me and another woman are close and we are both pissed. The way I see it is this woman negotiated that she be off every Friday. I thought she was going to work on a raise for me? Instead she negotiated for herself and no one has the fucking balls to even say anything to the rest of us! If she wanted to be a fucking hero, what she should have done is negotiate WE ALL get a Friday off each month. Rotating. In lieu of a raise. She would have come off looking great! Like look I can't get you a raise, but I was able to get us ALL a Friday off each month. That's not the same thing as a raise, but it would be something! Instead she fucking looked out for herself and has off EVERY Friday! AND NO ONE HAS SAID ANYTHING TO US! Like what? We're too stupid to notice she's not here every Friday?? In my opinion, if you are too afraid and choose to not say anything it's because you know that shit isn't right. I am furious at the injustice of this. Why does she deserve this and we don't? Do we not work as hard? This has been going on for about 2 months and every Friday myself and the other woman are fucking furious. What do I do?

This woman that is off and myself have a history of rubbing each other the wrong way. We have fell out several times. Honestly I am so upset over this. Like I said the injustice of it pisses me off. And the fact that no one even has sat us down and said hey we are giving her off every Friday. I know why they haven't. They know this shit is wrong and don't want to deal with us being upset. But, I feel like a fucking chump for just sitting by and not saying anything. I don't want to cause problems, but damn.

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