
Advice Needed: Quitting on the Spot and Ending a Friendship

I have been best friends with this person for 10+ years and I am considered an aunt to her son. Several months ago I moved across the country and needed a job asap, so she hooked me up with a remote position working beneath her. I was super grateful. The work was simple and a bit below my experience level, but it was what I needed. From day one she stopped being my friend. She hasn't called me on the phone or spoken to me in a friendly manner since I started. It seemed like she was overcompensating in trying to keep our friendship/work separate. She spoke over me in meetings, complimented everyone else on our team except for me, and would only speak to me if I was feeding her ego and telling her how great she is at her job. Her boss quickly put me up for a…

I have been best friends with this person for 10+ years and I am considered an aunt to her son. Several months ago I moved across the country and needed a job asap, so she hooked me up with a remote position working beneath her. I was super grateful. The work was simple and a bit below my experience level, but it was what I needed.

From day one she stopped being my friend. She hasn't called me on the phone or spoken to me in a friendly manner since I started. It seemed like she was overcompensating in trying to keep our friendship/work separate. She spoke over me in meetings, complimented everyone else on our team except for me, and would only speak to me if I was feeding her ego and telling her how great she is at her job.

Her boss quickly put me up for a position that would have been parallel to my friend, but my friend intentionally sabotaged it from moving forward, keeping me at lower pay and fewer hours. This also ensured that my position would remain temporary (1 year) instead of ongoing. I called her out on this and she altered between indifference, remorse, and defensiveness. During the brief conversation she said, “I'm not going to spend anymore time thinking about this,” and acted like nothing had happened.

As time went on, she grew increasingly harsh when critiquing my work and re-wrote every single document I produced in its entirety. At this point my work is not useful to her and she spends more time re-writing my work than she would just writing it herself from scratch. It takes her 3 full work days for her to revise a two page document. After I implement all of her feedback and go through several rounds of revisions, she will still re-do all of it before publishing. Her revisions often make the content suffer.

I've tried very hard to separate my feelings about this and continue to do the work and collect the paychecks over the past few months. Two weeks ago I hit a breaking point and confronted her and she told me to give my feedback to her boss if I had an issue. (This is a trap because they have a close relationship and my friend is very good to the ppl above her.) I did what I was told and let her boss know some of what was going on.

However, I have yet to hear any follow up from her boss and my mental health has severely declined as a result of this job. My stress has hindered my school work and kept me from time with family. My anxiety has caused me to not complete work for the last two weeks and I have several projects due tomorrow. I feel that the best thing to do to protect myself would be to quit on the spot today and not give a two week notice.

However, I feel so guilty for making her look bad. She's a single mother to my nephew and I would never want to hurt her chances at success, but I also know that I'm not completing work and that I mentally cannot take one more day of working with her. Am I making the right choice?

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