
Advice on exiting

Thought it may be helpful to ask here as googling on the internet gives me answers that tell me I’m unprofessional. In short, I took a job to help supplement the contract job I have. I ended up completing the training for the new job on Friday and made it live on the lines, but there’s been several red flags along the way (extreme micromanagement, zoom cameras on at all times for training, political agendas being pushed) and my mental health has plummeted. On Thursday, I received notification from my contract job that pretty much what I’ve been waiting on is happening (more clients) and they already set me a schedule for this week through the upcoming months. I’m afraid of quitting my new job because apparently it’s a thing for people to do training and then have no intention of staying. I hate corporate America and yet I still…

Thought it may be helpful to ask here as googling on the internet gives me answers that tell me I’m unprofessional. In short, I took a job to help supplement the contract job I have. I ended up completing the training for the new job on Friday and made it live on the lines, but there’s been several red flags along the way (extreme micromanagement, zoom cameras on at all times for training, political agendas being pushed) and my mental health has plummeted. On Thursday, I received notification from my contract job that pretty much what I’ve been waiting on is happening (more clients) and they already set me a schedule for this week through the upcoming months. I’m afraid of quitting my new job because apparently it’s a thing for people to do training and then have no intention of staying. I hate corporate America and yet I still feel guilt and hate to burn bridges. However, even if my contract job fizzles out again in the future, I would not find the new job I have sustainable at all. I tried, but it just gets worse every day. Any advice on if I should stick it out longer or just move on if I know it’s not right and don’t really even need it anymore ?

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