
Advice on exiting company and protecting team?

I (26M) am looking for advice on how to handle exiting a small business I have been apart of for a month. At this store I am the Manager, as well as the owners #1 enemy, with my team right behind me, despite the two owners hiring us all themselves. When they interviewed me they were generally pretty normal, and convinced me they were highly-communicative individuals. Things went downhill pretty fast, ie. Second day in the store. Just to list a few things: They're against me having Naloxone in store despite the demographic in our area, they've mocked me to my face (rolled their eyes, made comments about me being parantless), they exclude me on everything (won't let me merchandise), they don't answer my calls/texts. They refuse to set up an inventory system so we have to type everything in the store in manually for 300+ products. They have not…

I (26M) am looking for advice on how to handle exiting a small business I have been apart of for a month.

At this store I am the Manager, as well as the owners #1 enemy, with my team right behind me, despite the two owners hiring us all themselves. When they interviewed me they were generally pretty normal, and convinced me they were highly-communicative individuals. Things went downhill pretty fast, ie. Second day in the store.

Just to list a few things: They're against me having Naloxone in store despite the demographic in our area, they've mocked me to my face (rolled their eyes, made comments about me being parantless), they exclude me on everything (won't let me merchandise), they don't answer my calls/texts. They refuse to set up an inventory system so we have to type everything in the store in manually for 300+ products. They have not paid their in-store vendors and are days passed their contract date for payments, yet bring in more people to make rent off of. They also will not buy the foot mats for our hard-tile floor, we aren't allowed chairs, and they've yet to provide us with a medkit despite multiple people, including myself, receiving injuries/cuts/splinters from their own in-store features.

They refuse to set up their inventory system they have (barcode printer + scanner), will not allow us to hand-write receipts. We can e-mail receipts but our target consumers are older generation that do not like to give out personal information. They do not know how to do refunds despite owning their business for more than a year, so when they are at my store they will take cash straight out of my till and give it to customers. This is also without telling me or my team, so we are often left wasting time trying to fix cash descepencies at EOD. When I am present, they will watch me attempt to do refunds (the system doesn't allow you to do them without receipts) and then belittle my team and I for not knowing. I have no issues politely, but firmly standing up for myself, but the one owner has no issue raising her voice and talking over you, and even getting close and personal so you're forced to move out of her way and let her pretend to fake it till she makes it.

Also note, we do 1k days generally, when their flagship store struggles to hit $600. On days when they happen to surpass us, the owners will call to brag, but my team and I have never received a congratulations on our numbers since opening the store ourselves on day 1.

I'm on my way out the door and will not be giving them two weeks, but want to protect my team. Most of them will be following me out but in their middle-ground of looking for another job, I want them to be safe, to whatever extent I can protect them for.

How do I handle leaving appropriately? Do I report them for health and safety violations? Is there a way to leave and protect my team at the same time? Thank you in advance for any advice.

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