
Advice on how to keep going

So I've been working consistently since the age of 16, I've taken a few couple month breaks since then but I'm 22 now, and just got a new job after taking a 2 month break from my last job because it was absolute hell and I was burnt out as fuck. This new job has mediocre pay (50k salary+commission CAD) and is WFH, a call centre type but they have pretty solid benefits that start at 3 months. I started first week of July. I used to love calling and doing these sorts of sales jobs, I'm really good at them, the problem is that even after that 2 month break I'm still burnt out. I haven't been able to find any good resources besides “Find happiness in your work! Take a break! Do meditation!” articles. I have to do something to be able to save up and move out…

So I've been working consistently since the age of 16, I've taken a few couple month breaks since then but I'm 22 now, and just got a new job after taking a 2 month break from my last job because it was absolute hell and I was burnt out as fuck. This new job has mediocre pay (50k salary+commission CAD) and is WFH, a call centre type but they have pretty solid benefits that start at 3 months. I started first week of July. I used to love calling and doing these sorts of sales jobs, I'm really good at them, the problem is that even after that 2 month break I'm still burnt out. I haven't been able to find any good resources besides “Find happiness in your work! Take a break! Do meditation!” articles.

I have to do something to be able to save up and move out since my husband and I still live at home with my family and tensions have been at a boiling point for years now with them. The job has enough pay and benefits that I can support us enough to do that just barely, the only problem is every morning when I wake up I just want to cry. The worst part is I only have to work here for 6 months because I start school (something I'm actually proud and passionate about) in the winter semester, but we have to move out for me to be close enough to go.

Would love some advice or whatever on what to do from here. My bills are stacking up, and really I don't know if I need motivation to just keep going for these 6 months or if I should try to find something that isn't so draining but pays less. Thanks.

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