
Advice on how to permanently delete files at work

Hi all, so I recently started a new role about 3 months ago with a really shitty handover. There were no written instructions whatsoever and most of the training came from watching a process once via teams and me attempting to make notes. Needless to say the transition has been painful and I constantly find myself doing overtime just to ensure the work gets done. In the three months I’ve put together a detailed set of instructions including links to files, timetables, points of contact and more. My complaints about the handover have fallen on deaf ears and my relationship with my employer is now strained due to the lack of support. I’m seriously considering leaving but I fully intend to leave the processes exactly as they were given to me. So my question is, is there a way to delete my instructions excel file so that my employer won’t…

Hi all, so I recently started a new role about 3 months ago with a really shitty handover. There were no written instructions whatsoever and most of the training came from watching a process once via teams and me attempting to make notes. Needless to say the transition has been painful and I constantly find myself doing overtime just to ensure the work gets done. In the three months I’ve put together a detailed set of instructions including links to files, timetables, points of contact and more. My complaints about the handover have fallen on deaf ears and my relationship with my employer is now strained due to the lack of support. I’m seriously considering leaving but I fully intend to leave the processes exactly as they were given to me. So my question is, is there a way to delete my instructions excel file so that my employer won’t be able to recover it after I’m gone?

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