
Advice on Racist CEO and Toxic Work Environment

Hi everyone, I am currently stuck at probably the worst job I'll ever have. Our CEO is 80-something. She's racist, old-school corporate, and has a firm that struggles to keep people and hire new employees. She hates WFH, puts people on blast for being sick, I once overheard her speaking with HR about how her employees are “useless” when we're sick. She has made her own employees look bad in front of clients on several occasions for things like being on vacation, or working from home, etc. etc. The list goes so long it's too much to fit. Just got wind of several conversations she's had with colleagues of mine who are POC. She's recently made a string of extremely racist remarks to those colleagues of mine. She once told a former colleague of mine that “It takes more to be a leader than just being a good-looking, young, African-American…

Hi everyone,

I am currently stuck at probably the worst job I'll ever have. Our CEO is 80-something. She's racist, old-school corporate, and has a firm that struggles to keep people and hire new employees.

She hates WFH, puts people on blast for being sick, I once overheard her speaking with HR about how her employees are “useless” when we're sick. She has made her own employees look bad in front of clients on several occasions for things like being on vacation, or working from home, etc. etc. The list goes so long it's too much to fit.

Just got wind of several conversations she's had with colleagues of mine who are POC. She's recently made a string of extremely racist remarks to those colleagues of mine. She once told a former colleague of mine that “It takes more to be a leader than just being a good-looking, young, African-American man who knows how to talk-the-talk.”

I am expecting to leave soon. This is a CEO who really relies on having a solid reputation as her firm works alongside private businesses and governments across the country (more of a niche business, this isn't some global or even well-known national firm).

Does anyone have any advice on how maybe to expose my CEO following my exit? Whether it's on LinkedIn, Glassdoor, etc. Without revealing who I am, I'd love to find a way to get some questions circling around this place as people really should NOT work here. or do business with this CEO or firm.

Any advice is much appreciated!!

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