
Advice on stopping three years of ongoing hell?

Hi, I really need some advice. My family is in an unfortunate situation where my mom is essentially trapped at her job. She works in healthcare with 12 hours everyday, when it should be 8. It’s a really rough place— she deals with abusive coworkers that push their load onto her and patients that are absolutely horrendous. She comes home and all she wants to do is sleep or cry and it’s really scary. It’s been like this for three years now and I don’t know how much longer this can last. She really wants to leave but she can’t find anywhere else to go. She has lots of qualifications but even though she’s been applying to places on LinkedIn etc, but she rarely gets interviews. She’s tried to network where she works but she can’t transfer because she suspects that her manager is stopping the process from happening. (Long…

Hi, I really need some advice.

My family is in an unfortunate situation where my mom is essentially trapped at her job. She works in healthcare with 12 hours everyday, when it should be 8. It’s a really rough place— she deals with abusive coworkers that push their load onto her and patients that are absolutely horrendous. She comes home and all she wants to do is sleep or cry and it’s really scary. It’s been like this for three years now and I don’t know how much longer this can last.

She really wants to leave but she can’t find anywhere else to go. She has lots of qualifications but even though she’s been applying to places on LinkedIn etc, but she rarely gets interviews. She’s tried to network where she works but she can’t transfer because she suspects that her manager is stopping the process from happening. (Long story short she’s essential where she works and losing her would really fuck things up.)

Something to note: I love my mom so much, but unfortunately she’s kind of … meek. She kind of just takes it and she’s scared of hurting other people. I’ve tried to drill it into her head that those people don’t give two shits for her but…

So with that in mind does anyone have any advice for how to get out?

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