
Advice on whether this is okay or not

To start I’ve been working this retail job in Oregon for more then 5 months and management changed early on when I started. The new management has not been that great and I started having doubts on whether or not I should keep working here. Now onto the problem, the area I live in has been having a lot of crime recently and a lot of mentally ill people have been coming around the apartment. I changed my weekend availability to be at exactly closing because we close at 9 on the weekends and I didn’t want to stay until 10 to get home at almost 11 due to the crime. So far the building hasn’t done anything different to keep its tenants safe and we’ve had people threatening to shoot us. One of the managers asked me how long I think I would be on my new availability because…

To start I’ve been working this retail job in Oregon for more then 5 months and management changed early on when I started. The new management has not been that great and I started having doubts on whether or not I should keep working here.

Now onto the problem, the area I live in has been having a lot of crime recently and a lot of mentally ill people have been coming around the apartment. I changed my weekend availability to be at exactly closing because we close at 9 on the weekends and I didn’t want to stay until 10 to get home at almost 11 due to the crime. So far the building hasn’t done anything different to keep its tenants safe and we’ve had people threatening to shoot us. One of the managers asked me how long I think I would be on my new availability because it isn’t what they hired me on.

To be clear none of the managers asked how I was doing when I told them why I changed my availability and it’s irritating that the only time they asked about it was to tell me that it can’t be permanent. Would I be in the wrong to quit this job close to the holiday season?

I am a 23 year old woman, if this helps with the advice. Thank you anyone who replies.

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