
Advice please!!!

So I want to give full context of what happened so there is no missing gaps so if you read the whole thing thank you very much. Maybe this is the wrong sub but here it goes. I wash dishes at a senior living home and usually have a team of about 5-6 people at all times. I rock climb and hurt my finger rock climbing last week pretty badly. I went to the doctor and got a note saying I should wear a splint and can’t get my finger wet. I do not wear the splint as it hurts my forearm a lot when I do wear it. (Rock climbing finger injuries tend to be tendon related not bone related) well I get to work today and to my surprise no one showed up the whole day. Not in the morning or afternoon and now I’m all alone for…

So I want to give full context of what happened so there is no missing gaps so if you read the whole thing thank you very much. Maybe this is the wrong sub but here it goes. I wash dishes at a senior living home and usually have a team of about 5-6 people at all times. I rock climb and hurt my finger rock climbing last week pretty badly. I went to the doctor and got a note saying I should wear a splint and can’t get my finger wet. I do not wear the splint as it hurts my forearm a lot when I do wear it. (Rock climbing finger injuries tend to be tendon related not bone related) well I get to work today and to my surprise no one showed up the whole day. Not in the morning or afternoon and now I’m all alone for the whole shift. They expect me to wash dishes and lift all the heavy cup/utensil racks and heavy pot and pans. It’s a huge kitchen so the sizes of everything is massive. When I told my boss about my finger they agreed that I wouldn’t have to lift anything heavy or use the hose because using both hands for a while starts to hurt my finger and it’s pretty hard to wash these dishes one handed. Is this allowed? Like my note says to not get my splint wet (which I wish it said to also not lift heavy things??? Common sense kinda) and they’re making me wash all the dishes. I feel so frustrated. My forearm is in a lot of pain today and now I have to deal with this. Do I just have to suck it up and deal with it?

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