
Afraid I will be taken advantage of at work no matter where I go

I am starting a new job soon after and I feel afraid that I will always allow people to take advantage of me no matter where I work. I’ve been at my current employer for a very long time and management just dumped a ton of workload on me and shit on me over the years. I have finally come to the decision to leave and seek employment at a better place but I am afraid I will fall into the same trap and do the same thing. Has anyone else ever experienced this or know how to set boundaries to not be a doormat at work, especially when you are new? I feel like I always want to be liked by everyone and it just leads me into trouble.

I am starting a new job soon after and I feel afraid that I will always allow people to take advantage of me no matter where I work. I’ve been at my current employer for a very long time and management just dumped a ton of workload on me and shit on me over the years. I have finally come to the decision to leave and seek employment at a better place but I am afraid I will fall into the same trap and do the same thing. Has anyone else ever experienced this or know how to set boundaries to not be a doormat at work, especially when you are new? I feel like I always want to be liked by everyone and it just leads me into trouble.

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