I've been at my current job since 2004. I'm a dry cleaner. Its intense workload wise. But god since covid its become unbearable. During covid when things were super slow with people wfm my boss, UNDERSTANDINGLY, furloughed many people and ran a skeleton crew. No work. Gotcha.
He then bought 2 companies that were dying meaning we acquired 7 more stores on top of our 5. Ok. Not bad still slow hella doable.
Then people started not being able to wfm… Within the last few weeks. So our work load increased. Our staff did not because OBVIOUSLY if he can keep his payroll overhead in check yet work us to the bone why not???
He switched things around without thinking and the workload is unbearable with the staff we have now. We need at least 3-4 more people but he claims no one wants to work. No you just wanna pay less than people want.
Well I've signed onto indeed and linkedin and our business isn't even listed as actively seeking people. So fuck that shit. I can get 16 at aldi to start which is what your ass pays me now after 18 years and doing 3 peoples job.
Enjoy my 2 weeks or immediate quit depending on how my search turns out. I'm not sure which. There's no way up any ladder that doesn't involve dying for his company. He is never at our plant to help and I get texts on my personal phone at all times after I'm off work.
Its destroying me because the only way I can currently get that Shit job out of my head is to drink asap after I get home.
I refuse to die for his business. I'd rather take a job where I know when I clock off I'm fucking done.