
After 3 Interviews, the company has completely ghosted me.

In the process of interviewing with a tech company (founded in 2016) for a marketing role within their business development function. The whole process up until now has been very encouraging and seemed like it could be a great fit. The recurring coordinator (internal) was prompt in their responses and seemed eager to kickoff the interviewing process. I had a 2nd interview with a potential counterpart, in which I was told the feedback was “very positive”, and they would be moving me onto the next step in the process. For the 3rd interview, I was meeting with the head of BD. As mentioned, this is a relatively newer company and they are just in the process of creating their go to market strategy, thus the need for the marketing position. The head of the department asks “what would your marketing strategy be for this company”. I had done my research…

In the process of interviewing with a tech company (founded in 2016) for a marketing role within their business development function. The whole process up until now has been very encouraging and seemed like it could be a great fit. The recurring coordinator (internal) was prompt in their responses and seemed eager to kickoff the interviewing process. I had a 2nd interview with a potential counterpart, in which I was told the feedback was “very positive”, and they would be moving me onto the next step in the process. For the 3rd interview, I was meeting with the head of BD. As mentioned, this is a relatively newer company and they are just in the process of creating their go to market strategy, thus the need for the marketing position.

The head of the department asks “what would your marketing strategy be for this company”. I had done my research so had a relatively good idea of what they should do. Seemed to be well received, interview was scheduled for 30mins but we went over about 10mins as I had several questions, which were met with “great questions”.

There weren’t very many indicators or reactions throughout the conversation, and at the end, the interviewer said that the recruiter would be getting back to me on next steps. That interview was on 3/10. I hadn’t heard anything so finally reached out on 3/16 asking if there were any updates. Still nothing. I look back on LinkedIn, and see they just reposted the job on 3/17.

I am dumbfounded. I cannot believe they would just completely ignore me after 3 interviews and multiple email conversations. I am usually fine being the bigger person, but I cannot let this go. I need to respond and tell them, at minimum, that I’m no longer interested in the position. At least to end this on my terms. It is completely understandable to not think I am right for the position, but to not have the decency to simply let me know is a whole different thing.

Any suggestions on what to say, or am I blowing this out of proportion?

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