
After 3 years of bullshit work, added labor, and little to no payraise my boss just got my 2 weeks notice.

Just gave the paper notice to her yesterday. Conversation went like this with my boss. “Wait you're leaving?” Yup. “But we need your position. The sales girls can't cross work between their jobs and yours even if you trained them. Did you ever finish that new guide?” Yes you do need my position, and no I didn't. I wasn't being paid to make it, and given the amount of work I was given after Covid with no pay increase after multiple discussions I haver had time to do it. “How much is the next place paying you? We can match it.” Really? If I tell you and you could match it why did you only pay me my current rate, and me coming to you about the lack of pay for the work I do? Only for you to say you'll handle it, and informing me I got a dollar…

Just gave the paper notice to her yesterday. Conversation went like this with my boss.

“Wait you're leaving?”


“But we need your position. The sales girls can't cross work between their jobs and yours even if you trained them. Did you ever finish that new guide?”

Yes you do need my position, and no I didn't. I wasn't being paid to make it, and given the amount of work I was given after Covid with no pay increase after multiple discussions I haver had time to do it.

“How much is the next place paying you? We can match it.”

Really? If I tell you and you could match it why did you only pay me my current rate, and me coming to you about the lack of pay for the work I do? Only for you to say you'll handle it, and informing me I got a dollar more, which was more then anyone else got? No thanks. Keep your pay. I don't want it.

“Well at least tell me where you're going.”

That's honestly none of your business nor is the pay. My last day is the 20th of July. Thank you.

Watching her really look desperate upstairs as she realizes she has no one to fill my potiosion from within, and no training guide once I leave, makes me smile ear to ear. Can't wait to see who she hires since I have more work in my current positon then when I origianally started, and whoeever they hire will be in for a world of hurt.

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