
After a year of working in a job that has made me depressed, today I handed in my notice and it felt liberating. I’m now on the path to taking my life back.

And they were begging for me to stay… all hail the great resignation. I'm not going to lie, I was shit scared handing it in as I don't have another job to go into at the moment. Here's to putting my mental health first and not letting a corporation make me feel like shit anymore 🥂 Bit more background: I was working 12 hour days at a time, weekends and guilt tripped into not taking holiday. Many people were dependent on me to keep the boat afloat. All of this affected my mental health, and they acted surprised when I told them I couldn't take it anymore…

And they were begging for me to stay… all hail the great resignation. I'm not going to lie, I was shit scared handing it in as I don't have another job to go into at the moment. Here's to putting my mental health first and not letting a corporation make me feel like shit anymore 🥂

Bit more background: I was working 12 hour days at a time, weekends and guilt tripped into not taking holiday. Many people were dependent on me to keep the boat afloat. All of this affected my mental health, and they acted surprised when I told them I couldn't take it anymore…

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