
After lurking on this sub for some time, I have reflected on ways my part-time job in high school took advantage of me in a major way and resulted in a major burn out, employers will go a long way to grind the cheapest workers to the bone

worked 30 hour weeks from 14 was encouraged and pressured to defer uni during covid so that everyone else (more $$$ employees) didn’t have to work and I was scheduled to work by myself, every day for months on end -would pay for taxis/Ubers for me to leave school during the day/skip school for me to work instead I was Sick with the flu during Xmas season when I was 16 & 18 (retail job so picture the rush). I was virtually forced to work and they made me nap in a box on my 30 min break during a 10 hour shift. No shock the flu lasted for weeks both times employer would suggest that we void our penalty rates during public holiday, saying that employees previously had done so and it was so nice of them not paying super, unless investigated formally by authorities schedule me to work…

  • worked 30 hour weeks from 14
  • was encouraged and pressured to defer uni during covid so that everyone else (more $$$ employees) didn’t have to work and I was scheduled to work by myself, every day for months on end
    -would pay for taxis/Ubers for me to leave school during the day/skip school for me to work instead
  • I was Sick with the flu during Xmas season when I was 16 & 18 (retail job so picture the rush). I was virtually forced to work and they made me nap in a box on my 30 min break during a 10 hour shift. No shock the flu lasted for weeks both times
  • employer would suggest that we void our penalty rates during public holiday, saying that employees previously had done so and it was so nice of them
  • not paying super, unless investigated formally by authorities
  • schedule me to work every day during my final exams, leaving me 30 mins to either arrive/leave my final exams and be at work
  • search through my bag for food/medication
  • when I started to smoke, search my handbag for cigarettes and dress me down for it
  • make me serve customers while underage that made inappropriate and constant advances towards me (talking age 14-15). Advances include touching, flowers and asking to go on dates
  • had taken a week off to go on a trip with friends, and my boss was also taking time off for her daughters wedding. Told me she was so upset I took time off I ruined the entire wedding

That is off the top of my head

That is just off the top of my head. I have a good relationship with my former coworkers. I went back to them to visit maybe a year after quitting, and I was burnt out hard and things had sort of fallen apart for me for also unrelated reasons. My coworkers were very sympathetic but my former boss, in front of everyone, told me that I was a disgrace and an embarrassment, and a complete waste of potential and space. I left in tears and would never dream of going back.

A high school job is never, not ever worth prioritising over mental health and education. They want you because you are cheap, full stop.

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