
after seeing my first paycheck I called out

I wfh and let's just say the company is shit. I work 8hrs a day otp with only a 30min break and we have another 8min total for the day for the bathroom. They track everything we do and listen in on our calls to grade them. It's constant micromanaging and being abused by customers. I've only been here about 3 weeks. I got my first paycheck and it's less than $1k…that just made me realize that this is horse shit. How can 2 weeks worth of full time work only equate to $800???? Are u fucking kidding me? It's absolutely not worth it. My power was actually out earlier so I couldn't work, but it's been on for the past 3hrs and I just haven't told them it's back on, I'm getting paid regardless. But technically I'm still in training and we can only miss a certain number of…

I wfh and let's just say the company is shit. I work 8hrs a day otp with only a 30min break and we have another 8min total for the day for the bathroom. They track everything we do and listen in on our calls to grade them. It's constant micromanaging and being abused by customers.

I've only been here about 3 weeks. I got my first paycheck and it's less than $1k…that just made me realize that this is horse shit. How can 2 weeks worth of full time work only equate to $800???? Are u fucking kidding me? It's absolutely not worth it.

My power was actually out earlier so I couldn't work, but it's been on for the past 3hrs and I just haven't told them it's back on, I'm getting paid regardless. But technically I'm still in training and we can only miss a certain number of hours, so they might just let me go anyway, which would be a blessing.

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