
After working for ten years I’ve decided to take a few months off to do nothing. My partner and family keep expressing their disapproval. How should I deal with them?

After ten years working I've amassed some savings as well as a large amount of pent-up stress. I want a few months off to reset my brain. I own my own home with a mortgage which I pay myself. No children. My partner disapproves and says I am [ab]using a huge amount of privilege, and is worried about how long this will go on because I am showing zero motivation to find a new job and I haven't set a hard limit on how much time off I want to take. Not sure if it's a jealousy thing or what. My parents are outraged and are acting like I'm going to be cast out onto the streets if I don't find a new job immediately. Every day I get some form of “why haven't you contacted jobs yet?” It's getting extremely tiring having to defend myself for living my life…

After ten years working I've amassed some savings as well as a large amount of pent-up stress. I want a few months off to reset my brain.

I own my own home with a mortgage which I pay myself. No children.

My partner disapproves and says I am [ab]using a huge amount of privilege, and is worried about how long this will go on because I am showing zero motivation to find a new job and I haven't set a hard limit on how much time off I want to take. Not sure if it's a jealousy thing or what.

My parents are outraged and are acting like I'm going to be cast out onto the streets if I don't find a new job immediately. Every day I get some form of “why haven't you contacted jobs yet?”

It's getting extremely tiring having to defend myself for living my life the way I want to. I feel like everyone is judging me.

Has anyone else dealt with this? If so, how?

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