
Aggressive Easter Bunny

I work for a charity at a large outdoor playground in a disadvantaged area of a major city We have a no photography policy in order to protect vulnerable children. Only staff can take photos of children with advance permission from their parents/legal guardian. Names have been removed for obvious reasons, the aggressor shall be referred to as AEB (Aggressive Easter Bunny). AEB is a member of the board that run the charity. This is my email I sent to the Director of the charity, I received a response saying they would investigate the matter, but as of yet nothing has happened. I followed up with an email yesterday, highlighting how my contract states I could be dismissed from my position without notice should I commit gross misconduct, which includes aggressive and threatening behaviour. Hi DIRECTORS NAME, I am writing to you to inform you of an incident that took…

I work for a charity at a large outdoor playground in a disadvantaged area of a major city

We have a no photography policy in order to protect vulnerable children. Only staff can take photos of children with advance permission from their parents/legal guardian.

Names have been removed for obvious reasons, the aggressor shall be referred to as AEB (Aggressive Easter Bunny). AEB is a member of the board that run the charity.

This is my email I sent to the Director of the charity, I received a response saying they would investigate the matter, but as of yet nothing has happened. I followed up with an email yesterday, highlighting how my contract states I could be dismissed from my position without notice should I commit gross misconduct, which includes aggressive and threatening behaviour.


I am writing to you to inform you of an incident that took place on Friday the 15th of March and to make a formal complaint against the individual who was volunteering at the time.

It was Good Friday and as such AEB was volunteering and dressing up as the Easter Bunny to give out Easter Eggs to the children. We had over 150 children along with many adults in the park who immediately swarmed around AEB. Not long after this I was informed by 2 girls that people were taking photographs, which included a child who we do not have permission to photograph. I immediately go to enforce our Photography policy in order to protect the children, having to shout to be heard across the mass of people. I have to continue repeating myself throughout the rest of the session while the Easter Bunny was present. The Easter Bunny however continued to try and pose for photos with children even after being reminded by myself that they are aware of the policy. After stressing for the 4th or 5th time that we had a no photograph policy, AEB storms into the building while removing the mask and shouting at me “I think somebody's getting above their STATION!” After removing the suit he then precedes to approach me, getting 2cm away from my nose with his pointed finger, invading my personal space. This was totally unacceptable behaviour. I have not had a person stand this close to be since before the pandemic, and that was with loved ones. He then repeatedly shouted at me that I was “Getting above my station”. I felt threatened by his aggressive behaviour and thought he was about to punch me. I told him to “get out of my face” he takes one step back, leaves the finger pointed. I explain that I was enforcing the same policy I enforce every single day of the week in order to protect the children in this park. He states “Well I still think you're getting above your station!” and storms off again. PROJECT MANAGER was witness to all of this. I spoke to her outside later briefly, explained I thought he was about to hit me, she informs me we will have a meeting before we leave to ensure everyone is okay.

During this meeting, I apologised to AEB as they believed I was shouting at them, as opposed to shouting to be heard and to stress policy to the many people breaking it. I also apologised to AEB as apparently when I reminded him he knew the rules I said this to everyone and not just him. He accepted my apology and then preceded to make the meeting about how he wants to change this policy from here on out.

I do not come into the work place to deal with aggression from volunteers, regardless of their position on the committee, he created a hostile working environment through his aggressive behaviour and I felt threatened. This was not addressed by the on site manager and no apology was offered to me about AEB's behaviour. The meeting was all about my behaviour, not his.

This incident has also affected my social life, after this ordeal I was unable to attend a social event that evening I had intended to go to due to the stress caused by this individual. It is now Monday and these events are still running through my head. I trust that you are equally disgusted at this behaviour and will take proper action to ensure this never happens again, to me or anyone else.

Thank you,


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