
AITA for asking a raise at work?

So my friend is a very hard worker. He is constantly working and never has a day off. Against his will he works 40 hours a week and he has dependents. He makes 10 dollars an hour. Does manual labor such as moving heavy items like bricks around in the 100 degree heat. He is also the only one that knows remotely what he is doing. Did I mention it's a plant shop? So the other day he asked for 50% raise since he was promised 15 dollars an hour in January. So he finally asked for 15 dollars and what does he get. 60 cents. Now he says he's gonna quit if he doesn't get 15. Is he the asshole.

So my friend is a very hard worker. He is constantly working and never has a day off. Against his will he works 40 hours a week and he has dependents. He makes 10 dollars an hour. Does manual labor such as moving heavy items like bricks around in the 100 degree heat. He is also the only one that knows remotely what he is doing. Did I mention it's a plant shop? So the other day he asked for 50% raise since he was promised 15 dollars an hour in January. So he finally asked for 15 dollars and what does he get. 60 cents. Now he says he's gonna quit if he doesn't get 15. Is he the asshole.

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