
AITA for emailing new hires?

Just like the title implies – I emailed 2 new hires offering to share experiences and be there to listen when they get frustrated or disillusioned (in my defenese, I also offered to be there to listen when they're excited and hopeful, LOL!) The department director shared the new hires' personal emails when he introduced them. One of the new hires had a gmail addy. The other new hire had a different “.edu” address. Yes, I'm in a professional position at a major university. Why Thank You, Mr. Pat Sajak! I'll buy a vowel, please! LOL!

Just like the title implies – I emailed 2 new hires offering to share experiences and be there to listen when they get frustrated or disillusioned (in my defenese, I also offered to be there to listen when they're excited and hopeful, LOL!)

The department director shared the new hires' personal emails when he introduced them. One of the new hires had a gmail addy. The other new hire had a different “.edu” address. Yes, I'm in a professional position at a major university. Why Thank You, Mr. Pat Sajak! I'll buy a vowel, please! LOL!

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