
AITA for refusing to clean up after my entire restaurant staff..

So this is an extremely complicated relationship I have with the owners and staff but essentially I’ve worked for this restaurant since its opening 6 years ago and even longer for their families other business for almost 10. I’ve worked multiple positions at the restaurant where I was always very hands to helping everyone on the staff for years. Eventually that landed me in the position I am in now where I thought I would be focusing on taking in deliveries, fixing broken stuff in the restaurant, and building new stuff as it comes (which I enjoy). Lately, my boss has been exclusively making clean everything in the restaurant in addition to fixing things and these cleaning assignments are because the rest of the staff is neglecting them and facing no repercussions for not doing them. The specific incident today occurred because part of me taking in deliveries is bringing…

So this is an extremely complicated relationship I have with the owners and staff but essentially I’ve worked for this restaurant since its opening 6 years ago and even longer for their families other business for almost 10. I’ve worked multiple positions at the restaurant where I was always very hands to helping everyone on the staff for years.

Eventually that landed me in the position I am in now where I thought I would be focusing on taking in deliveries, fixing broken stuff in the restaurant, and building new stuff as it comes (which I enjoy). Lately, my boss has been exclusively making clean everything in the restaurant in addition to fixing things and these cleaning assignments are because the rest of the staff is neglecting them and facing no repercussions for not doing them.

The specific incident today occurred because part of me taking in deliveries is bringing all the paper and dry goods upstairs. The staff is supposed to be able to put it on the shelves and take care of it themselves after I upheld my part of the deal but lately they have been leaving a massive pile of boxes upstairs for days after the deliveries come in. So today I finished up doing my job and asked my boss if there was anything else going on that needs attention and he tells me to clean up all the boxes to which I say “for real you want me to clean this up” which then he totally snaps on me and yells “fine ill do it myself” to which I am immediately angered and clock out and go home.

Moral of the story I’ve been doing everything they have asked of me for years. I was the only person to elect to continue to work for them instead of staying on unemployment during the pandemic. The amount of things I’ve done for this restaurant is more than I can even put in words. There entire management staff sits around and does nothing the entire day and not only that they take little shots at me for being the only one that can fix the stuff them and their staff break. Is it fair to me to get the shit end of the stick almost every day. Am I the asshole for refusing to clean up after the staff?

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