
All I can say is wow…

I spend alot of my free time aside from working lurking on this sub. I see alot about how everyone from 18-40 and sometimes even older hate what our nation has become. I see these posts about how expensive things are, how even with roommates it's nearly impossible to survive etc etc. And respectfully so it's all 100 percent true, as a 22 year old myself and my significant other make upwards of about 4k a month and even now we scrape by if I can even say scrape anymore because it more turned into a sort of half asked crawl every week just to pay bills that continue to ever increase month after month after month. But what are we all really doing to change it here? Yeah we have the typical posts of sticking it to the man and really feeling like we gave them hell for leaving…

I spend alot of my free time aside from working lurking on this sub. I see alot about how everyone from 18-40 and sometimes even older hate what our nation has become. I see these posts about how expensive things are, how even with roommates it's nearly impossible to survive etc etc. And respectfully so it's all 100 percent true, as a 22 year old myself and my significant other make upwards of about 4k a month and even now we scrape by if I can even say scrape anymore because it more turned into a sort of half asked crawl every week just to pay bills that continue to ever increase month after month after month. But what are we all really doing to change it here? Yeah we have the typical posts of sticking it to the man and really feeling like we gave them hell for leaving them high and dry for a few weeks but what happens after those few weeks when they figure out how to survive without you? When they restructure a program to complete the task you were hired for without you being there. Or when your replacement replaces the program you've set in place. We can all sit here and make these posts and feel good about these things I don't believe that it's wrong to finally gain that confidence as an individual, but as a state and in unity what can we do. Who's out there on the streets with picket fences fighting for more than just a union……who's out there really fighting to live and not to just survive, not to finally stop slightly living paycheck to paycheck. To put how bad things have really become into perspective im gonna share this information with you all as well as some information from other posts I've seen in this sub. I'm a shift manager for a pretty well branded fast food chain and every week we do upwards of 40-50k a week….a week and you know how much of that I get 300-400 dollars the reason I took this position was to gain expirence in hopes that a bigger company would recognize me or that my own job would recognize me and pay me just slightly more. Now on top of this the real slap in the face is that my SO makes the same amount I do as a normal crew member how farfetched is that! Ladies and gentleman this is the situation and state of living we are in where an army vet has to work full time while also recieveing money from the government that claims to have been built upon our backs. So what the hell are we gonna do about it? Sit here and wait another 10 years for a hopeful change posting our stories on the internet or would you rather actualy try to do something out there in the real world where we are already scratching and clawing to stay on the surface. By no means am I doing anymore making this post nor do I go out because like many others I'm worried that if I do ill be way worse off for a long time but for the love of God guys we need to make something happen because sitting here just posting online hasn't done much but bring bad publicity to what we stand for. This is all just food for thought and I urge everyone to really take this in and think about it what more can we do as a community and how bad do things need to get before we finally put our foots down. Thank you if you took the time to read this through and I apologize in advanced for anything that dosent make sense or just seems like rambling

Edit: also to add when I took my position my higher up said to my face that our generation thinks we are entitled to more monet because of the pandemic. That's should really tell us how these 50-60 year old ceos and bosses feel about the working class when they can sit there offering me 15 and hour and discuss how they weeded they're garden and planted new flowers in theyre garden bed the weekend before.

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