
All our information about corporations comes from corporations

I was in Homestead, PA today, where Frick had the Pinkertons try to break the strike at Carnegie's steel mills. It occurred to me I can read about that event, but I'm not reading primary sources. PDFs of old newspapers can be found online, but not all of them and they're not searchable. Any article you read online is being served to you by a corporate intermediary. You're reading this post on a giant corporation's website. If there ever is some kind of labor revolution, you can bet that will come into play. Just sort of interesting that this sub is hosted by a giant, privately owned entity that will likely have a board and C-Suite in the near-ish future. Would any company let its own downfall come from within? What if Google has to fight unionization attempts? Net neutrality is gone, so what stops AWS/Google/Oracle/Microsoft from denying you access…

I was in Homestead, PA today, where Frick had the Pinkertons try to break the strike at Carnegie's steel mills. It occurred to me I can read about that event, but I'm not reading primary sources. PDFs of old newspapers can be found online, but not all of them and they're not searchable.

Any article you read online is being served to you by a corporate intermediary. You're reading this post on a giant corporation's website. If there ever is some kind of labor revolution, you can bet that will come into play.

Just sort of interesting that this sub is hosted by a giant, privately owned entity that will likely have a board and C-Suite in the near-ish future. Would any company let its own downfall come from within? What if Google has to fight unionization attempts? Net neutrality is gone, so what stops AWS/Google/Oracle/Microsoft from denying you access to their services? Law would be on their side, and they could cripple the ability to fundraise, organize, and even work or play video games.

On the upside, that would definitely drive a lot more people to public libraries. I just feel like we're heading in a direction that will end up taking us backwards, low-tech meetings in public spaces to compare notes.

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