
All temp workers (including me) were let go without warning or notice despite our contract just being extended a week ago

They didn’t give us any warning. Our recruiters let us know. My bajillion unnecessary micromanaging supervisors couldn’t even message me. They JUST gave us a contract extension last week. And no, this wasn’t a notice that I only have two weeks left until Im let go. They booted all of us that day! I live in the US. I’m wondering if I could file a lawsuit with my coworkers? Someone said I can’t because temp workers have no rights. However we were under contract. It’s egregious how little companies care about humans. My recruiter said I was a good employee and they liked me but they needed to “trim the forces.” Soulless monsters. I’d love to hit them with a lawsuit, but not sure if I can.

They didn’t give us any warning. Our recruiters let us know. My bajillion unnecessary micromanaging supervisors couldn’t even message me. They JUST gave us a contract extension last week. And no, this wasn’t a notice that I only have two weeks left until Im let go. They booted all of us that day! I live in the US. I’m wondering if I could file a lawsuit with my coworkers? Someone said I can’t because temp workers have no rights. However we were under contract.

It’s egregious how little companies care about humans. My recruiter said I was a good employee and they liked me but they needed to “trim the forces.” Soulless monsters.

I’d love to hit them with a lawsuit, but not sure if I can.

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