
All U.S. workers should get 30 days of vacation yearly.

When I was in the Air Force stationed in Germany back in the late 90's early 00's, I found out they and other European Countries' citizens have 4 weeks of vacation annually. I was always in awe of this and thought the stress Americans have would be reduced greatly if we adopted this policy. I understand they aren't as hardcore capitalist as we are but now I think this should be revisted. From 7 Eleven worker to CEO. This should be a right of everyone. I don't care how difficult it would be to make it happen but it should happen. You could option to have a certain amount of your check to be taken out over the year to cover the pay.

When I was in the Air Force stationed in Germany back in the late 90's early 00's, I found out they and other European Countries' citizens have 4 weeks of vacation annually. I was always in awe of this and thought the stress Americans have would be reduced greatly if we adopted this policy.

I understand they aren't as hardcore capitalist as we are but now I think this should be revisted.
From 7 Eleven worker to CEO. This should be a right of everyone. I don't care how difficult it would be to make it happen but it should happen. You could option to have a certain amount of your check to be taken out over the year to cover the pay.

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