
All we are is just a number

I know it's a given nowadays. But it really REALLY hit me at work today. My supervisor is relatively cool. She wants us to do good and encourages us, and is also right there with us at recognising the BS. Today, we had some higher ups come in. I don't know the full situation, but apparently one of them looked at some of our stats for the morning, picked out the person that was there early, and because her time wasn't where they wanted it, said she had to be moved departments. Supervisor had no say in it, it was done. Problem is that the one they moved is one of the few that can do early shifts, and she normally is a very good and hard worker. Right now, however, she has a foot injury which makes her times look worse, and his way of looking at it doesn't…

I know it's a given nowadays. But it really REALLY hit me at work today.

My supervisor is relatively cool. She wants us to do good and encourages us, and is also right there with us at recognising the BS.

Today, we had some higher ups come in. I don't know the full situation, but apparently one of them looked at some of our stats for the morning, picked out the person that was there early, and because her time wasn't where they wanted it, said she had to be moved departments. Supervisor had no say in it, it was done. Problem is that the one they moved is one of the few that can do early shifts, and she normally is a very good and hard worker. Right now, however, she has a foot injury which makes her times look worse, and his way of looking at it doesn't even consider other reasons, like how I ended up having to stop what I was doing for over an hour to take care of other things that aren't apart of those times, but are just as if not more important.

They apparently went off on my supervisor because we only had like “60% productivity”, as if we're not human, and as if there isn't plenty that has to be done that isn't apart of those damn timers they like to look at. Normally we run fine, it's when we don't have enough coverage that things go downhill for us, which happens A LOT.

In the end, after they left and my supervisor gave me the rundown of what was said and what's up with changes, she definitely looked a upset, and I felt bad for her. We're all trying our best, but all they see are those damn numbers, not the people…

Sorry, done venting now ️

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