
Almost 800 job applications in 3 months… no luck yet.

I've applied for almost 800 jobs since late may. Most of these have been on LinkedIn easy apply, but I've been doing more on company sites lately. I've answered the gender and race and veteran and disability questions over and over and over again. I'm getting so sick of it. I have 10 years of customer service experience, 8 of which dealt with tons of phone calls, angry customers, happy customers, neutral customers, minor customers, adult customers, elderly customers, Caucasians, African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, Islanders. Christians, atheists, Jews, catholics, agnostics, Hindus, Bhuddists. Every demographic, walk of life, religion or lack thereof you can imagine, and gotten along with them, made them smile. I've learned countless POS systems, Bank Teller softwares, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, 365, email, phone, in person. I've made sandwiches, I've balanced cars drawers and vaults. I've audited coworkers, made money shipments, ordered grocery store supplies. I've built…

I've applied for almost 800 jobs since late may. Most of these have been on LinkedIn easy apply, but I've been doing more on company sites lately. I've answered the gender and race and veteran and disability questions over and over and over again. I'm getting so sick of it. I have 10 years of customer service experience, 8 of which dealt with tons of phone calls, angry customers, happy customers, neutral customers, minor customers, adult customers, elderly customers, Caucasians, African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, Islanders. Christians, atheists, Jews, catholics, agnostics, Hindus, Bhuddists. Every demographic, walk of life, religion or lack thereof you can imagine, and gotten along with them, made them smile. I've learned countless POS systems, Bank Teller softwares, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, 365, email, phone, in person. I've made sandwiches, I've balanced cars drawers and vaults. I've audited coworkers, made money shipments, ordered grocery store supplies. I've built friendships with customers, I've righted bad experiences. I've inspired people, and been inspired by people. I've learned every day. I've taught people new things. But it all seems to mean absolutely nothing to hundreds of hiring managers. 10 years of my life I've spent crafting the art of customer service, experience, recovery, retention, and it all means nothing. It makes me feel useless. It makes me feel like a waste of space, and that I'll never amount to anything. I'm looking for remote work, Monday through Friday, pretty much any shift except overnight. Doesn't have to pay much, as I currently make $16.43 USD an hour. I just want to work remotely and use my experience to make people's lives a bit easier, because it's already brutal enough to just exist on this floating rock we call home. Rant over. All that being said, I'm open to work, network, and be a friendly human and be paid to make people's lives just a tad bit easier. I hope you're all happy, healthy, and safe.

But hey, in a few years time, I'll have my Bachelor's in Computer science! So there WILL be a light at tge end of this long, dark, tunnel

All the best, y'all!

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